Some bugs just don't want to be squished, so learn to love them.



AI And Games Conference, NOV 2024, London, UK (Conference Web)

Speaker (Tabletop R&D). [(Talk recordings)](

GAIG Hack 8, SEP 2024, London, UK + Virtual (GAIG Group Web)


IGGI Conference, SEP 2024, York (Conference Web)


IEEE CoG Conference, AUG 2024, Milan, Italy (Conference Web)

Attendee, Game AI Session Chair, Speaker.
Presentation: "Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms for General Video Game Playing" (Best of TOG session)
Other papers: "Unveiling modern board games: an ML-based approach to BoardGameGeek data analysis"

Game AI Meetup, JUN 2024, London, UK + Virtual (Meetup Web)


Tabletop R&D Playtest Series, FEB 2024, London, UK (Event Web)


Game AI Meetup, FEB 2024, London, UK + Virtual (Meetup Web)


GAIG Hack 7, JAN 2024, London, UK + Virtual (GAIG Group Web)


GAIG Hack 6, SEP 2023, London, UK + Virtual (GAIG Group Web)


IGGI Conference, SEP 2023, QMUL (Conference Web)


IEEE CoG Conference, AUG 2023, Boston, USA (Conference Web)

Attendee, Speaker.
Tutorial: "TAG: Advancements in AI-Driven Tabletop Games"

Game AI Meetup, MAR 2023, London, UK + Virtual (Meetup Web)


GAIG Hack 5, JAN 2023, London, UK + Virtual (GAIG Group Web)


SSCI 2022 Games Special Session, DEC 2022, Online (Conference Web)

General Co-Chair.

AIIDE Conference, OCT 2022, Online (Conference Web)

Software Track Chair.

IGGI Conference, SEP 2022, York (Conference Web)


GAIG Hack 4, SEP 2022, London, UK + Virtual (GAIG Group Web)


IEEE CoG Conference, AUG 2022, China/Virtual (Conference Web)

Competitions Co-Chair.

Game AI Meetup, FEB 2022, London, UK + Virtual (Meetup Web)


AIIDE Conference, OCT 2021, Virtual (Conference Web)

Poster Presentation: "TAG: Terraforming Mars".

GAIG Hack 3, SEP 2021, London, UK + Virtual (GAIG Group Web)


IEEE CoG Conference, AUG 2021, Virtual (Conference Web)


NeurIPS 2020 Conference, DEC 2020, Virtual (Conference Web)


SSCI 2020 Conference, DEC 2020, Virtual (Conference Web)

Chair of the Symposium on Games.

EECS Research Week 2020, NOV 2020, Virtual (Web)


AIDevWorld 2020 Conference, OCT 2020, Virtual


AIIDE Conference, OCT 2020, Virtual (Conference Web)

Presentation: "TAG: A Tabletop Games Framework" (EXAG workshop).

ECAI Digital Conference, AUG-SEP 2020, Virtual (Conference Web)


FDG Conference, SEP 2020, Virtual (Conference Web)

Games & Demos Chair.

IEEE CoG Conference, AUG 2020, Virtual (Conference Web)

Presentation: "Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms for General Video Game Playing"
Other papers: "rhNEAT for General Video Game Playing"

Audio Developers Conference, NOV 2019, London, UK (Conference Web) (YouTube)

Talk: "'Did You Hear That?' Learning to Play Vide oGames from Audio Cues".

Dagstuhl Seminar 19511, DEC 2019, Dagstuhl, Germany

Invited attendee.

IGGI Conference, SEP 2019, University of York, York, UK (Conference Web)

Talk: "'Did You Hear That?' Learning to Play Vide oGames from Audio Cues".

IEEE CoG Conference, AUG 2019, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK (Conference Web)

Publicity and Media Chair.
Presentation: "Project Thyia: A Forever Gameplayer"
Presentation: "'Did You Hear That?' Learning to Play Video Games from Audio Cues"
Other papers: "Optimising Level Generators for General Video Game AI"; "A Local Approach to Forward Model Learning: Results on the Game of Life Game"; "Learning Local Forward Models on Unforgiving Games"

Bits, Bugs & Bots - COA Conference, 11 JUN 2019, Royal College of Physicians, London, UK (Conference Web) (Slides)

Invited talk.

IET Faraday Challenge, MAR 2019, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK (IET Faraday Challenge Days)


AAAI Conference, JAN 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Presentation: "Tackling Sparse Rewards in Real-Time Games with Statistical Forward Planning Methods".
Presentation (Game Simulations Workshop paper): "Efficient Evolutionary Methods for Game Agent Optimisation: Model-Based is Best".

IET Christmas Lecture, DEC 2018, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK (Game AI Unleashed)

Invited speaker.

AIIDE Conference, NOV 2018, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Demo paper: "VERTIGØ: Visualisation of Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms in GVGAI".

IGGI Conference, SEP 2018, Queen Mary University of London, UK (Conference Web)

Program Chair. Talk: "General Outcome Prediction".

IEEE Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), AUG 2018, Maastricht, The Netherlands (Youtube)

Presentation: "General Win Prediction from Agent Experience" paper, Best Paper Award Nominee Session I.

CogX, JUN 2018, London, UK, (YouTube) (YouTube-Full-Stream)

Talk: "Learning to Play: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Malmo (MARLO) Competition", Research Stage

Artificial Intelligence & Games Summer School, MAY 2018, Chania, Greece

Asynchronous Research on AI & Games, OCT 2017, Online

Talk: "Planning in Real-time Games with Rolling Horizon Evolution", first ASYNC event by MetaMakers Institute

IGGI Conference, SEP 2017, York, UK.

Talk: "The General Video Game Playing Challenge: Improving RHEA & Playing Beyond Win", with Cristina Guerrero-Romero.

IEEE Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), AUG 2017, New York, USA, (YouTube) (YouTube-Full-Stream)

Presentation: "Rolling Horizon Evolution Enhancements in General Video Game Playing" paper, Special Session on General Game Playing.

IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), JUN 2017, San Sebastian, Spain

Presentation: "Population Initialization Techniques for Rolling Horizon Evolution in General Video Game Playing" paper, Special Session on Computational Intelligence and Games.
Presentation: General Video Game AI 2-Player Planning Competition 2017 results.

Evostar (EvoApplications/EvoGames), APR 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Presentation: "Analysis of Vanilla Rolling Horizon Evolution Parameters in General Video Game Playing" paper, EvoGames.

IEEE Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC), SEP 2016, Colchester, UK

Presentation: "General Video Game for 2 Players: Framework and Competition" paper, Special Session on Computational Intelligence and Games.

IGGI Conference, SEP 2016, Goldsmiths University of London, UK