Some bugs just don't want to be squished, so learn to love them.

26 September 2017

Categories: Snapshot (4)
Tags: phd (9) , event (11) , QMUL (1)

Second supervisory board all done today. It definitely went a lot better than my first one in terms of nerves. I only had a big panic 5 minutes before, but it was all good once I got to the office and sat down. Then I found out my big supervisory team would be all present in one form or another, with 2 joining by Skype. That’s a lot of people very focused on what I’m doing and assessing it.

It went really well though! I told them nice stories about my work so far and plans for the future which they seemed to like, discussed some things in a bit more detail and got some nice suggestions and things to consider.

Then I got kicked out. Very short and efficiently being told to leave so they could talk.

… Okay.

On the bright side, it seems all is good and happy, I shouldn’t have to resubmit.

And this concludes my adventures in Essex, as I am now transferring to Queen Mary University of London. This was my last thing to finish in Essex and everything is wrapped up. A proper longer post to come in saying goodbye to the university where I spent 5 years (exactly 5 years in 4 days!). Good times, bad times, a lot of growing up.

I already got the sniffles.

Have a lovely day,

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